Deprecation warnings in Datafold

Deprecation warnings in Datafold with Secoda. Learn more about how you can automate workflows to turn hours into seconds. Do more with less and scale without the chaos.

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Integration with Datafold allows Secoda users to enhance their data catalog capabilities. By leveraging Datafold's expertise in analytical data quality, Secoda users can automate testing and validation of dbt model changes during development, deployment, and migrations. This integration enables users to easily identify and tag assets in their data catalog that have not been updated or viewed within a specified time interval, such as 90 days. With notifications based on asset usage levels, users can efficiently manage deprecation and optimize their data assets.

How it works

Secoda's integration with Datafold allows you to streamline your automation processes by combining triggers and actions. Triggers can be set based on specific schedules, providing a structured framework for activating subsequent actions. Actions offer a wide range of operations, such as filtering and updating metadata, allowing you to create customized workflows that align with your team's requirements. With Secoda, you can efficiently perform batch updates to metadata within Datafold, ensuring your data catalog remains up to date. Additionally, Secoda offers the capability to automatically identify and tag assets in your data catalog that have not been recently accessed or viewed. This feature enables you to receive timely notifications when assets are ready to be deprecated based on their usage levels.

About Secoda

Data integration is a crucial process for organizations looking to migrate data effectively. By combining Datafold and Secoda, companies can streamline data migration and receive asset deprecation warnings. Secoda acts as a centralized data management platform, consolidating various aspects of data knowledge, including data catalog, lineage, documentation, and monitoring. This integration enables efficient data migration while ensuring that organizations are aware of any deprecation warnings associated with their assets.

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