Deprecation warnings in Great Expectations

Deprecation warnings in Great Expectations with Secoda. Learn more about how you can automate workflows to turn hours into seconds. Do more with less and scale without the chaos.

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Integration with Great Expectations allows users of Secoda to enhance their data cataloging process. With Great Expectations, data teams can establish a comprehensive understanding of their data by conducting quality tests, documenting information, and analyzing profiles. This open-source Python library enables users to define and validate data expectations, ensuring data integrity and facilitating collaboration among team members. By seamlessly integrating Great Expectations into Secoda, users can effortlessly identify and tag assets in their data catalog that require attention, providing valuable insights into the relevance and usage levels of each asset. This integration also enables users to receive timely notifications regarding the deprecation status of assets based on their engagement metrics.

How it works

Secoda's integration with 'Great Expectations' enhances automation by providing triggers and actions. Triggers allow you to schedule workflows, ensuring that subsequent actions are activated based on specific time frames, such as hourly, daily, or custom intervals. Actions comprise various operations, such as filtering and updating metadata, allowing you to create customized and detailed workflows that cater to your team's needs. Secoda also enables bulk updates to metadata in 'Great Expectations,' facilitating efficient management of your data catalog. Additionally, Secoda offers automatic identification and tagging of assets in your data catalog that have not been updated or viewed within a specified time interval, such as the last 90 days. You can also receive notifications when an asset is reaching a point where deprecation may be necessary, based on its usage levels.

About Secoda

Secoda serves as a comprehensive data management platform, indexing your company's data catalog, lineage, documentation, and monitoring. By integrating it with Great Expectations, you can leverage the combined power of both tools for efficient data migration processes. This integration enables you to receive important asset deprecation warnings, ensuring optimized data migration without the need for excessive manual monitoring.

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