Deprecation warnings in Stitch

Deprecation warnings in Stitch with Secoda. Learn more about how you can automate workflows to turn hours into seconds. Do more with less and scale without the chaos.

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Secoda, in combination with Stitch, allows users to seamlessly integrate and manage data assets. Stitch, a cloud-first, open-source platform, efficiently moves data by connecting to different sources like MySQL, MongoDB, Salesforce, and Zendesk. Acting as a powerful ETL service, Stitch replicates data from these sources to the user's preferred destination. With Secoda, users can automatically identify and tag assets in their data catalog that have not been accessed or updated within a specified time frame, such as 90 days. By monitoring usage levels, Secoda provides notifications when an asset is ready to be deprecated, ensuring efficient data management.

How it works

Secoda's integration with Stitch allows you to create automated workflows with Triggers and Actions. Triggers activate the workflow according to your desired schedule, such as hourly, daily, or on a custom basis. Actions provide a wide range of operations, including filtering and updating metadata, to tailor the workflow to your team's needs. With Secoda, you can efficiently perform bulk updates to metadata in Stitch. Additionally, Secoda enables automatic identification and tagging of assets in your data catalog that haven't been updated or viewed within a specified time interval, such as 90 days. You can also receive notifications when assets are ready to be deprecated based on their usage levels.

About Secoda

By utilizing the integration of Stitch and Secoda, you can streamline the process of data migration while also receiving asset deprecation warnings. Secoda acts as a centralized platform for managing your company's data catalog, lineage, documentation, and monitoring. By consolidating these elements into one platform, you can efficiently manage and migrate your data using Stitch. This integration ensures a smooth and organized data migration process, with the added benefit of receiving warnings about asset deprecation.

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