Tag PHI in Thoughtspot

Tag PHI in Thoughtspot with Secoda. Learn more about how you can automate workflows to turn hours into seconds. Do more with less and scale without the chaos.

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Secoda is a platform that facilitates data governance at scale. It enables users to tag PHI (Protected Health Information) residing in ThoughtSpot, a business intelligence and analytics platform. This integration ensures effective data management and compliance with data governance policies.

How it works

ThoughtSpot does not natively offer specific functionality for tagging PHI directly within its platform based on the publicly available information. However, integration with platforms like Secoda can enhance ThoughtSpot's capabilities, enabling automated workflows for tagging sensitive data, including PHI. With Secoda's automation, ThoughtSpot users can implement efficient data governance practices, ensuring that PHI data is correctly identified and tagged, which is crucial for maintaining data privacy and compliance standards. This integration can significantly streamline the process of managing and securing PHI within ThoughtSpot, making it more efficient for data teams to ensure that data governance and compliance needs are met consistently and effectively​.

The Thoughtspot integration with Secoda allows you to tag PHI (Protected Health Information) through Secoda. This integration is part of an Automation, which consists of Triggers and Actions. Triggers determine when the workflow is activated, and can be scheduled on a regular basis or customized to your preferences. Actions encompass various operations, such as filtering and updating metadata, which can be stacked to create customized workflows for your team. With Secoda, you can efficiently perform bulk updates to metadata in Thoughtspot.

About Secoda

Secoda is an AI data governance platform that aims to simplify the process of finding and utilizing data at scale. It achieves this by connecting to various data models, databases, warehouses, and BI tools. Secoda consolidates data catalog, lineage, documentation, and monitoring into a single data management platform, making it convenient for both data and business stakeholders to access and utilize data effectively.

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