Tag PII from Google Data Studio

Tag PII in Google Data Studio with Secoda. Learn more about how you can automate workflows to turn hours into seconds. Do more with less and scale without the chaos.

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Secoda, a data governance platform, can now be integrated with Google Data Studio to provide enhanced data governance capabilities. With this integration, users can easily tag personally identifiable information (PII) that resides in Google Data Studio, ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations and maintaining data governance at scale. Secoda's advanced tagging features enable organizations to track and monitor PII across their dashboards, ensuring data security and privacy. This integration further enhances the functionality of Google Data Studio, making it a comprehensive business intelligence tool for organizations of all sizes.

How it works

In Google Data Studio, a visualization tool that enables users to convert data into customizable informative reports and dashboards, the management of Personal Identifiable Information (PII) is critical for ensuring user privacy and compliance with data protection laws. Google Data Studio offers features that help safeguard PII, including data access controls and the ability to set user permissions, ensuring that sensitive information is only accessible to authorized individuals. Moreover, it supports data source integration settings that can limit the exposure of PII, allowing for the creation of reports and dashboards that do not compromise individual privacy. By utilizing these capabilities, organizations can leverage Google Data Studio's powerful data visualization tools while upholding stringent standards for PII protection and compliance.

Secoda's integration with Google Data Studio allows data teams to streamline their workflows and enhance data governance. By leveraging custom workflows, users can easily tag personally identifiable information (PII) within Google Data Studio, saving time and reducing manual errors. The automation feature in Secoda consists of triggers and actions. Triggers enable users to schedule workflow activations, providing a structured framework for subsequent actions. Actions encompass various operations, such as filtering and updating metadata, allowing users to create detailed workflows tailored to their team's requirements. Additionally, Secoda empowers users to perform bulk updates to metadata in Google Data Studio, further enhancing data management capabilities. With Secoda, data teams can simplify their stack and optimize their data utilization process.

About Secoda

Secoda, the all-in-one data search, catalog, lineage, monitoring, and governance platform, offers a seamless integration with Google Data Studio. This integration allows data teams to leverage the power of Secoda's AI data governance capabilities within the familiar environment of Google Data Studio. With Secoda, users can easily find and use their data while ensuring data quality, compliance, and security. By combining the strengths of Secoda and Google Data Studio, organizations can streamline their data management processes and make more informed decisions based on reliable and trusted data.

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