The Top Data Observability Tools Used by Growing Tech Companies

Data observability tools are becoming increasingly important components of data stacks. Discover the top data observability tools used by tech companies here.
Last updated
July 25, 2024

Data observability tools are becoming increasingly important components of data stacks. With data observability tools, data teams can monitor the health of your data, quickly spotting anomalies and issues.

Data observability tools continue to become more advanced, providing updated and real-time overviews of tracked data. Inaccurate and inconsistent data is unhelpful at best and can affect the efficacy of data-driven decisions. With data observability, organizations can feel more confident in their data and even find patterns and trends along with anomalies and issues. These tools also provide information about things like system performance, latency and more.

If you’re looking to optimize your data and monitor the health of your data systems, then it’s time to implement a quality data observability tool. However, there are many options to consider. In this blog, we’ll be breaking down some of the best and most popular data observability tools on the market today to help you make the best decision for your company. Read on to learn more.

How to choose the right data observability tool for your company

Now we know that data observability tools are essential for data teams who need to quickly and accurately assess the performance of their systems. With the right tool, you can gain better visibility into your data, reduce downtime, improve accuracy and prevent potential issues before they arise. 

Still, choosing the right tool takes careful consideration. When selecting a data observability tool, there are several factors to consider, such as:

  • Telemetry data — Does the data tool offer the features you need to track the telemetry data you need? Your data observability tool should be well-suited to tracking metrics, logs and traces across your systems.
  • Scalability — The scalability of the data observability tool is also important. As your data infrastructure grows over time, your observability tools should be able to keep pace. 
  • Features — Features are another important part of your decision. Does it include alerting, dashboards or other advanced features? You may want to speak with your data team to see what features they consider important in an observability tool.
  • Budget — Consider the cost of the data observability tool. There are open-source options and cost-effective options, but some enterprise-level solutions can be expensive. However, these enterprise-level options may be necessary for what you need. Make sure you weigh the costs with the opportunities the tool provides before making your decisions.
  • Stakeholders — Finally, consider the stakeholders in the decision. Who will be using the tool the most? Getting their input is important to see if it’s worth investing time and resources into a new tool. 

Choosing the right data observability tool for your business can be a complex process, but it’s essential to ensure that your data and systems are running smoothly. By taking into account these factors, you can make the best decision possible for your organization.

Top Data Observability Tools


Secoda is an all-in-one data management platform that consolidates your data catalog, monitoring, lineage, and documentation in one place. Data monitoring and observability is a scalable, end-to-end feature that can connect to data stacks in just 15 minutes. This convenient and intuitive tool offers features for incident detection, test coverage and more. Users choose Secoda for features such as:

  • Simplifying the tools in their stack
  • Automated incident detection, impact analysis and root cause diagnosis
  • Machine learning-based monitoring
  • Automated database lineage and extraction
  • Incident alerts across communication tools
  • Data usage analytics
  • Infrastructure health and cost monitoring

Overall, Secoda is an intuitive, scalable and easy-to-integrate tool that connects to your full data stack.

New Relic

New Relic is a cloud-based observability platform that provides real-time monitoring and analysis of applications, infrastructure and networks. It can be used to monitor metrics, traces and logs and provides dashboards and alerts for easy monitoring. Users choose New Relic for features such as:

  • Full-stack monitoring for detailed views of networks, infrastructures, applications and more
  • A single cloud platform to instrument all of your telemetries
  • Over 500 integrations
  • Manage errors from a single dashboard
  • Visibility into relationships, dependencies and emerging issues

Overall, New Relic is a data observability tool that offers scalability, comprehensive monitoring of your data stack and more. Its range of features makes it a great choice for organizations.


Datadog is a cloud-based monitoring platform that provides real-time visibility into the performance of applications, infrastructure and networks. It can be used to monitor metrics, traces and logs and provides alerts and dashboards for easy monitoring.

Here are some of the features that are included with Datadog:

  • A single observability platform for observability at a glance
  • Over 600 integrations for real-time data capture
  • Intuitive dashboards and visualizations
  • Alerts, threat detection and AI-powered anomaly detection
  • Code-level incident and error investigation

Overall, Datadog is a data observability platform that is appreciated for its simple and intuitive interface. With in-depth alerting, analysis and anomaly detection, it’s a great fit for many organizations that want to implement data observability.

Sumo Logic

Sumo Logic is a cloud-based data analytics platform that provides real-time insights into logs, metrics and events. It can be used to monitor applications, infrastructure and security. It also provides dashboards and alerts for easy monitoring. Users choose Sumo Logic for features such as:

  • Infrastructure monitoring to solve issues and integrate observability for all applications
  • Log management solutions for troubleshooting and log analytics insights
  • Real-time application logs and metrics
  • Threat visibility, alerts and cloud security analytics

Overall, Sumo Logic is a feature-rich platform to improve and ensure application reliability.

Monte Carlo Data

Monte Carlo Data is an end-to-end data observability tool for more reliable data. It offers tools to reduce downtime and resolve data issues faster. Monte Carlo Data offers tools such as:

  • Monitoring and testing tools for data quality
  • Machine-learning enabled anomaly detection
  • Data lineage tools integrated into your platform
  • Numerous data integrations with the tools you use most

Overall Monte Carlo Data is a comprehensive data observability tool with numerous capabilities to help you cut down on data downtime.


Dynatrace is an AI-powered observability platform that provides real-time monitoring and analysis of applications, infrastructure and networks. It can be used to monitor metrics, traces and logs. It also provides automatic root-cause analysis for easy diagnosis of issues. Here are some of the features included with Dynatrace:

  • Automatic discovery and instrumentation
  • Real-time topology mapping
  • Combine metrics, logs, traces and user experience data
  • Automated anomaly root-cause analysis
  • Automated data collection and analysis

Overall, Dynatrace is an end-to-end solution for organizations that want to easily automate their data observability tasks and scale them as they grow.


Fluentd is an open-source data collection and processing tool that can be used to collect logs, metrics and events from a wide range of sources. It provides a flexible and extensible architecture and can be integrated with other tools such as Elasticsearch and Grafana. Here are some of the other features that users like about Fluentd:

  • Data collection for a unified logging layer
  • Over 500 plug-ins
  • Open-source
  • Easy and fast integration

Overall, Fluentd is an easy-to-integrate data observability tool that is flexible thanks to its open-source software.


Grafana is an open-source data visualization platform that can be used to create real-time dashboards and alerts for monitoring metrics, logs and traces. It supports a wide range of data sources, including Prometheus, Elasticsearch and InfluxDB. Some features that Grafana offers include:

  • Graphical interface for visualizing and analyzing data
  • Custom dashboards for metrics and performance
  • Integrates with numerous data tools and data sources
  • Real-time metrics aggregation and historical event monitoring
  • Optimize and debug queries from Explore view

Overall, Grafana is a great choice for any business looking to make the most out of data observability. It offers a simple graphical interface and powerful features

Elastic Stack

Elastic Stack is a suite of open-source tools for monitoring, analysis and visualization of data. It includes Elasticsearch for data storage and search, Logstash for data processing and Kibana for data visualization and analysis. Here are some of the features that Elastic Stack offers:

  • Unified visibility and actionable insights with converged metrics, logs and traces 
  • Full-stack observability across cloud-native and distributed systems
  • Centralized and searchable log monitoring
  • Application performance monitoring for improving code
  • User interaction and performance monitoring

Overall, Elastic Stack offers comprehensive monitoring features that give organizations more insight across all of their applications and systems.


Graylog is an open-source log management platform that provides real-time monitoring and analysis of logs. It can be used to collect, process and analyze logs from a wide range of sources and provides alerts and dashboards for easy monitoring. Here are some of the features included with Graylog:

  • Visualizations of search query results
  • Data aggregation for combining different types of data in a single chart
  • Specify custom alert conditions to trigger alert notifications
  • Dashboard and visualizations for log data

Overall, Graylog is a great log management solution that also offers features for security, observability, monitoring and more.


Prometheus is an open-source monitoring system that can be used to monitor metrics, logs and traces. It provides a powerful query language and alerting system and can be integrated with Grafana for data visualization. Here are some of the features that Prometheus offers users:

  • Graphing systems for visualizing performance data
  • Dimensional data modeling
  • Automatic service discovery and custom alerts
  • Metric collection from various data sources and applications
  • Out-of-the-box monitoring
  • Scalable to teams of sizes

Overall, Prometheus is an intuitive data observability tool that can meet the needs of teams of any size.

Try Secoda for free

If your organization needs a data enablement tool, look no further than Secoda. Secoda is an all-in-one data catalog, lineage, documentation, and observability workspace. Your team will be able to search data easily, and all users can have access to the data they need when they need it. This reduces the workload on the data team and empowers the rest of your organization to make more data-driven decisions and use your company data to its full potential. Schedule your demo with Secoda and try our platform for free today.

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