Elevate standards for data privacy

Get a comprehensive data inventory that details sources, locations, formats, and schemas. Simplify sensitive data discovery, storage tracking, and access management through granular RBAC.

Trusted by data teams worldwide.

Automate data privacy workflows across your stack

Ensure privacy as you scale. Limit sensitive data access to authorized personnel, preventing breaches and ensuring secure handling of PII and PHI.

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Automate data governance at scale

Secoda automates PII tagging, streamlining compliance audits. Gain insights into data location, access, and privacy compliance for efficient data management and protection.

Data governance

A better way to manage data discovery

Easily search across all columns, tables, dashboards, events, and metrics. AI powered search lets you ask any question to your data and get a contextual answer, fast. Get answers to questions like “Can I drop customers_id without impacting other data?”

Data catalog

Control How Data Is Shared and Stored

Secoda offers built-in role-based access permissions (RBAC). This feature ensures restricted access to sensitive data, minimizing the risk of unauthorized breaches and ensuring the safety and security of personal information.

Data sharing

Scale data privacy programs with AI

Secoda simplifies how organizations enable secure access to the best data in today’s modern data stacks.

Mitigate risks with automation, permissions and more. Automatically identify PII and ensure documentation is always kept up to date.

Explore Secoda AI

Ensure compliance

Painless SOC II, HIPAA, and compliance audits. Get a central governance portal to identify all data within your stack, manage security and permissions, and ensure that all data assets are used properly to generate real business value. Maintain trust, security, and governance of your data without jeopardizing speed and innovation.

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Prevent data outages before they happen

Secoda's automated lineage model shows you column and table level lineage across the entire data stack. Identify the impact to upstream or downstream assets and immediately notify stakeholders before changes are made. Bring data quality tests into lineage so you can stay ahead of any data issues.

Data lineage

Upholding industry-leading security standards

SOC 2 compliant

Secoda is SOC 2 Type 1 and 2 compliant. The way we process and store client data is secure and protected, based on standards set by the AICPA.

Self-hosted environment

You can host Secoda in a self-hosted environment, behind your own VPN, and in your own VPC. Deploy via Terraform or Docker.


Sign in with the services you already use, including Google and Microsoft SSO, Okta, MFA and SAML

SSH tunneling

Securely move data from your private databases to Secoda with SSH tunneling.

Auto PII tagging

Get control to remove or leave out sensitive datasets from your syncs or mark it automatically in Secoda.

Data encryption

Data managed with Secoda is fully encrypted in transit and at rest. We do not see the data we are moving.


Why is data privacy important?

It is important for businesses to prioritize data privacy to avoid significant risks, such as financial loss, damage to reputation, and legal consequences. Data breaches can lead to exposure of sensitive information, resulting in loss of customer trust and negative publicity. Failure to comply with data privacy regulations can also lead to fines and legal action. Therefore, it is essential for businesses to take proactive measures to protect personal information and ensure compliance with relevant regulations.

What are some common data privacy risks?

Some common data privacy risks include unauthorized access, data breaches, identity theft, and cyber attacks. These risks can result in significant financial loss, damage to reputation, legal consequences, and more as documented in these recent examples of data breaches.

What are some best practices for data privacy?

Some best practices for data privacy include ensuring you are using role-based access controls (RBAC), limiting access to sensitive data to only those who require it to perform their job duties, using encryption to protect data both in transit and at rest, regularly monitoring and auditing access to sensitive data, developing and implementing a comprehensive data security policy, and providing regular training and education to employees on data privacy best practices.

How can a data catalog help with data privacy?

A data catalog can help with data privacy by providing a comprehensive inventory of all the data assets within an organization. This includes detailed information about each dataset, including its sensitivity level, location, and access permissions. This information can be used to ensure that sensitive data is only accessible to authorized users and that appropriate security measures are in place to protect it. A data catalog can also help organizations to simplify compliance with data privacy regulations by providing a clear understanding of what data they have, where it is stored, and who has access to it.

What is PII?

PII stands for Personally Identifiable Information. It refers to any information that can be used to identify a specific individual, such as name, address, phone number, or email address. PII is treated as anonymized data because it is sensitive and requires special protection to ensure data privacy.

What is GDPR?

GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation. It is a data privacy regulation that was implemented in the European Union in 2018. GDPR sets forth rules for how organizations must handle and protect personal data, including requirements for obtaining consent, providing access to personal data, and reporting data breaches.