


Seamlessly synchronize Confluence Spaces and Pages, directly into Secoda.

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Seamlessly synchronize Confluence Spaces and Pages, directly into Secoda.

About the Confluence Integration

How it works

The integration provides seamless synchronization of Confluence Spaces and Pages directly into Secoda. Metadata associated with Pages, such as Page owner, created and updated timestamps will also be available in Secoda, providing your team even more context.

Confluence pages transform into Secoda documents

When a Confluence page is brought into Secoda, it'll transfer over and appear very similar to how it does in Confluence, with the added context of Secoda’s metadata documentation tools - like page owner, created and updated timestamps.

Share Confluence knowledge with everyone at your company

Share Confluence knowledge using Secoda with everyone in the company. Foster a supportive environment where all employees can learn and benefit from Confluence’s capabilities, while avoiding mistakes and unhelpful data use. Work together seamlessly and create better results.

See Confluence Spaces, Keys and Pages

Integrate Confluence with Secoda and extract metadata from entities like Spaces and Pages. Provide your team with the context they need to understand the Confluence data they work with everyday.

Create a single source of truth based on Confluence data and metadata

Sharing Confluence knowledge using Secoda with everyone at your organization helps ensure the consistency of data usage and access. Connect Confluence with Secoda and create a single source of truth for data and metadata, and ensure accuracy and consistency of data through Secoda’s tools.