How To Use Snowflake's Zero-Copy Cloning: A Step-by-Step Guide

Snowflake Clone Table: Create an exact copy of a table, including its data and structure.
May 2, 2024

In this tutorial, we will explore how to use Snowflake's zero-copy cloning feature to create an exact copy of a table, schema, or database without duplicating the physical data. This powerful feature allows you to clone objects quickly and efficiently, saving both time and storage space.

What Is Zero-Copy Cloning In Snowflake?

Before we dive into the steps, it's important to understand what zero-copy cloning is and how it works. When a clone is created, Snowflake generates new metadata for the clone that points to the same underlying micro-partitions as the original object. This means that the cloned object shares the data blocks with the original, and no additional storage space is consumed at the time of cloning.

  • Metadata Inheritance: A cloned table inherits the structure, data, and certain other properties such as comments and table clustering keys from the source table at the time the clone is created.
  • Child Objects: When cloning a database or schema, all active child objects are included in the clone. However, certain types of objects like external tables and internal Snowflake stages are not cloned.
  • Storage Costs: A clone does not contribute to the overall data storage for the object until operations are performed on the clone that modify its data.

How To Use Snowflake Clone Table

Now that we understand what zero-copy cloning is, let's dive into the steps to clone a table in Snowflake.

1. Clone a Table

The basic command to clone a table in Snowflake is as follows:

CREATE TABLE new_table_name CLONE existing_table_name;

This command creates a new table (new_table_name) that is an exact clone of an existing table (existing_table_name).

2. Clone a Table at a Specific Point in Time

If you want to clone a table as it existed at a specific point in the past, you can use the AT or BEFORE clauses with a timestamp or offset to utilize Snowflake's Time Travel feature.

CREATE TABLE new_table_name CLONE existing_table_name AT (TIMESTAMP => 'timestamp');

This command creates a new table that is a clone of the existing table as it existed at the specified timestamp.

3. Clone a Table with Access Control

Cloned objects do not automatically inherit access privileges from the source object unless the `COPY GRANTS` keyword is used in the cloning statement. Here's how you can do it:

CREATE TABLE new_table_name CLONE existing_table_name COPY GRANTS;

This command creates a new table that is a clone of the existing table and also copies the access privileges from the source table to the new table.

4. Clone a Table across Different Databases

You can also clone a table across different databases. This is particularly useful when you want to create a copy of a table in a different database for testing or development purposes. Here's how you can do it:

CREATE TABLE new_database.new_table_name CLONE existing_database.existing_table_name;

This command creates a new table in a different database (new_database) that is a clone of an existing table in another database (existing_database).

5. Clone a Table by Preserving the History

Snowflake's Time Travel feature allows you to preserve the history of a table for a certain period of time. If you want to clone a table along with its history, you can do so by using the `WITH DATA` clause. Here's how you can do it:

CREATE TABLE new_table_name CLONE existing_table_name WITH DATA;

This command creates a new table that is a clone of the existing table and also includes the history of the source table.

Common Challenges and Solutions

While cloning tables in Snowflake is generally straightforward, you might encounter some challenges. Here are some common issues and their solutions:

  • Performance Degradation: Cloning operations require computing resources, and excessive cloning can lead to performance degradation. To mitigate this, try to limit the number of clones you create and delete unnecessary clones as soon as possible.
  • Storage Costs: While a clone does not consume extra storage initially, any subsequent changes to the clone will generate new micro-partitions that are unique to the clone, which can then incur additional storage costs. Be mindful of this when modifying cloned tables.
  • Access Control: Cloned objects do not automatically inherit access privileges from the source object unless the `COPY GRANTS` keyword is used in the cloning statement. If you forget to include this keyword, you will need to manually grant the necessary privileges to the cloned table.

Best Practices for Cloning Tables in Snowflake

Here are some best practices to follow when cloning tables in Snowflake:

  • Limit the Number of Clones: To avoid performance degradation, try to limit the number of clones you create. Delete unnecessary clones as soon as possible.
  • Be Mindful of Storage Costs: Remember that while a clone does not consume extra storage initially, any changes to the clone will generate new micro-partitions that can incur additional storage costs.
  • Use the COPY GRANTS Keyword: If you want the cloned table to inherit the access privileges from the source table, remember to include the `COPY GRANTS` keyword in the cloning statement.

Further Learning

If you want to learn more about Snowflake and its features, here are some topics you might find interesting:

  • Snowflake's Time Travel Feature: Learn how to use Snowflake's Time Travel feature to query historical data or recover deleted data.
  • Snowflake's Data Sharing Feature: Learn how to share data securely and efficiently with other Snowflake users using Snowflake's data sharing feature.
  • Snowflake's Data Loading and Unloading: Learn how to load and unload data in Snowflake using various methods such as bulk loading, continuous loading, and unloading data to a cloud storage service.

Recap of Cloning Tables in Snowflake

In this tutorial, we learned how to use Snowflake's zero-copy cloning feature to create an exact copy of a table, schema, or database without duplicating the physical data. We also discussed some common challenges and their solutions, shared best practices, and suggested further learning topics. Remember, while cloning is a powerful feature, it's important to use it judiciously to avoid performance degradation and unnecessary storage costs.

  • Zero-Copy Cloning: Snowflake's zero-copy cloning feature allows you to create an exact copy of a table, schema, or database without duplicating the physical data.
  • Cloning Syntax: The basic syntax for cloning a table in Snowflake is `CREATE TABLE new_table_name CLONE existing_table_name;`.
  • Best Practices: Limit the number of clones, be mindful of storage costs, and use the `COPY GRANTS` keyword when necessary.

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