September 16, 2024

How To Use JSON Parsing in Snowflake with PARSE_JSON

Snowflake Parse JSON: Extract and use information from JSON formatted data.
Dexter Chu
Product Marketing

This tutorial will guide you through the process of using the `PARSE_JSON` function in Snowflake to interpret and manipulate JSON data within your database environment.

What Is Snowflake's PARSE_JSON Function?

The `PARSE_JSON` function in Snowflake is designed to interpret an input string as a JSON document, producing a value of type VARIANT that contains the JSON document. This function is particularly useful for working with semi-structured data within Snowflake, allowing users to parse strings that hold valid JSON information and manipulate them as structured data within the database environment.

What Are The Features Of PARSE_JSON In Snowflake?

Before we dive into the usage of `PARSE_JSON`, it's important to understand its key features and how it handles different data types and special cases. The function takes an expression of string type (e.g., VARCHAR) that contains valid JSON information as input and returns a VARIANT type containing the JSON document. If `PARSE_JSON` is called with an empty string or a string containing only whitespace characters, it returns NULL instead of throwing an error. This behavior facilitates processing by allowing it to continue rather than abort if some inputs are empty strings. If the input is NULL, the output is also NULL. However, if the input string is 'null', it is interpreted as a value so that the result is a valid VARIANT value containing null.

How To Work With Different Data Types

`PARSE_JSON` is capable of handling a variety of data types and structures. When parsing decimal numbers, `PARSE_JSON` attempts to preserve the exactness of the representation by treating numbers like 123.45 as NUMBER(5,2), not as a DOUBLE.

Numbers using scientific notation or those which cannot be stored as fixed-point decimals due to range or scale limitations are stored as DOUBLE.

Since JSON does not natively represent values such as TIMESTAMP, DATE, TIME, or BINARY, these have to be represented as strings in the JSON document.

Practical Use Cases For PARSE_JSON in Snowflake

Now that we understand the basics of `PARSE_JSON`, let's see how it can be used in practice.

Creating and querying a table with different types of data stored in a VARIANT column by calling `PARSE_JSON` to parse strings demonstrates the function's versatility.

For instance, inserting values like 'null', null, 'true', '-17', '123.12', '1.912e2', and JSON objects or arrays into a table and then querying this data showcases how `PARSE_JSON` can handle various data types and structures.

Common Challenges and Solutions

While `PARSE_JSON` is a powerful tool, it's not without its challenges. Here are some common issues and their solutions:

  • Handling of empty strings: If `PARSE_JSON` is called with an empty string, it returns NULL instead of throwing an error. This can be confusing if you're not expecting it. Always check your input strings for emptiness before calling `PARSE_JSON`.
  • Non-native JSON values: JSON does not natively represent values such as TIMESTAMP, DATE, TIME, or BINARY. These have to be represented as strings in the JSON document. Be aware of this when working with these data types.
  • Reciprocity with TO_JSON: `PARSE_JSON` and `TO_JSON` are almost converse functions. However, they are not perfectly reciprocal, especially in handling empty strings and the order of key-value pairs. Keep this in mind when using these functions together.

Best Practices for Using PARSE_JSON

Here are some best practices to follow when using `PARSE_JSON`:

  • Always check your input strings for validity before calling `PARSE_JSON`. This will prevent unexpected NULL values.
  • Be aware of how `PARSE_JSON` handles different data types, especially non-native JSON values. This will help you avoid confusion and errors.
  • When using `PARSE_JSON` and `TO_JSON` together, keep in mind that they are not perfectly reciprocal. This will help you understand the output of these functions better.

Further Learning

If you want to learn more about working with JSON data in Snowflake, here are some additional topics to explore:

  • TO_JSON function in Snowflake
  • Working with semi-structured data in Snowflake
  • Advanced JSON parsing techniques in Snowflake

Recap of Using PARSE_JSON in Snowflake

In this tutorial, we've learned about the `PARSE_JSON` function in Snowflake, its key features, how it handles different data types and special cases, and how to use it in practice. We've also discussed some common challenges and their solutions, shared best practices, and suggested further learning topics. With this knowledge, you should be able to effectively use `PARSE_JSON` in your Snowflake projects.

  • Understand the basics of `PARSE_JSON` and how it handles different data types and special cases
  • Know how to use `PARSE_JSON` in practice to parse and manipulate JSON data
  • Be aware of common challenges and their solutions when using `PARSE_JSON`

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