Tag HIPAA in Microsoft SQL

Tag HIPAA in Microsoft SQL with Secoda. Learn more about how you can automate workflows to turn hours into seconds. Do more with less and scale without the chaos.

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Integration with Microsoft SQL Server allows organizations to ensure data governance at scale by tagging HIPAA-related data through Secoda. Microsoft SQL Server is a reliable and efficient relational database management system developed by Microsoft. It provides comprehensive data management and analysis capabilities, enabling organizations to store, retrieve, and manage data effectively. With this integration, organizations can seamlessly manage and analyze HIPAA-related data, ensuring compliance with data governance regulations.

How it works

While Microsoft SQL Server itself doesn't offer native tagging specifically for HIPAA compliance, you can implement workarounds to achieve a similar effect. One approach involves creating a separate data classification column within your tables. This column could contain labels like "PHI," "Internal," or "Public" to designate the sensitivity level of data. However, this method relies on manual data entry and may not be scalable for large datasets. Alternatively, you can explore integrating SQL Server with third-party data security tools that offer automated PHI recognition and tagging functionalities. These tools can scan your database for specific patterns or keywords associated with PHI and assign corresponding tags, streamlining the process and improving data security.

Integration with Microsoft SQL in Secoda allows you to tag HIPAA through Secoda. An Automation in Secoda consists of Triggers and Actions. Triggers activate the workflow based on specific schedules such as hourly, daily, or custom basis. Actions encompass various operations like filtering and updating metadata. You can stack multiple actions to create customized workflows that meet your team's requirements. With Secoda, you can perform bulk updates to metadata in Microsoft SQL.

About Secoda

Secoda, an AI data governance platform, offers a comprehensive integration with Microsoft SQL. It acts as a centralized data management platform, consolidating your company's data catalog, lineage, documentation, and monitoring. By tagging HIPAA through Secoda, you can ensure compliance and enhance data knowledge within your organization.

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