Tag HIPAA in Retool

Tag HIPAA in Retool with Secoda. Learn more about how you can automate workflows to turn hours into seconds. Do more with less and scale without the chaos.

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Retool is a platform that facilitates the swift creation of efficient business software. It empowers users to construct applications and workflow automations that seamlessly integrate with their current systems. Retool offers various features, including a fully managed and hosted PostgreSQL database with schema migration tools, a user-friendly interface for schema building resembling a spreadsheet, and the capability to manage data through filtering, sorting, searching, and direct editing. In the given context, the integration of Retool with Secoda enables the identification of the HIPAA tag, ensuring comprehensive data governance on a large scale.

How it works

Retool, a platform for building business applications, doesn't have built-in features for HIPAA compliance tagging. But by leveraging third-party data governance tools like Secoda, you can achieve this functionality. Secoda integrates with Retool and offers automation capabilities. You can set up workflows that scan your data for elements matching HIPAA criteria, like patient names or addresses. Once identified, Secoda tags this data as Protected Health Information (PHI) within your Retool environment.

This approach not only helps you pinpoint PHI but also facilitates its management throughout your workflows, ensuring compliance with HIPAA regulations. With PHI clearly identified, you can implement stricter access controls or masking procedures to safeguard sensitive patient information.

Integration with Retool allows you to tag HIPAA through Secoda. An Automation consists of Triggers and Actions. Triggers activate the workflow based on specific schedules, such as hourly, daily, or custom basis. Actions encompass various operations, including filtering and updating metadata. You can stack multiple actions to create customized workflows for your team's requirements. With Secoda, you can perform bulk updates to metadata in Retool.

About Secoda

Secoda, an AI data governance platform, offers seamless integration with Retool. It acts as a comprehensive data management platform, consolidating your company's data catalog, lineage, documentation, and monitoring. With Secoda, you can easily tag HIPAA compliance through its robust integration capabilities.

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