Tag PII from Amplitude

Tag PII in Amplitude with Secoda. Learn more about how you can automate workflows to turn hours into seconds. Do more with less and scale without the chaos.

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Amplitude, a product analytics platform, offers businesses the ability to track and understand user behavior, build better products, and drive business growth. With features such as event-based analytics, data tracking, and user engagement insights, Amplitude provides a unified platform for cross-functional teams. To ensure data governance at scale, Amplitude can integrate with Secoda, allowing businesses to tag personally identifiable information (PII) that resides in Amplitude. This integration enables companies to maintain data privacy and compliance while still leveraging the powerful analytics capabilities of Amplitude. By combining the strengths of both platforms, businesses can make data-informed decisions, improve their products and services, and ensure the security and privacy of their users' information.

How it works

Amplitude places significant emphasis on privacy and the protection of personally identifiable information (PII). The company's commitment to data protection is evident in its adherence to major privacy regulations like GDPR, CCPA, and HIPAA, ensuring a secure and compliant environment for handling data. Amplitude offers features such as event retention controls, user privacy APIs, and data subject access request APIs to enable customers to manage data retention periods, comply with data deletion requests, and access user data easily. Additionally, Amplitude provides guidance on best practices for handling PII, recommending that any personal data crucial for analytics be sent in hashed formats to enhance security and privacy.

Secoda's integration with Amplitude allows data teams to streamline their processes and enhance efficiency. By building custom workflows, users can easily tag personally identifiable information (PII) that resides in Amplitude, saving time and reducing manual errors. The automation feature in Secoda consists of triggers and actions. Triggers enable users to schedule workflow activations, whether it's on an hourly, daily, or custom basis, providing a structured framework for subsequent actions. Actions encompass a range of operations, such as filtering and updating metadata, allowing users to create detailed and tailored workflows that meet their team's specific requirements. Additionally, Secoda empowers users to perform bulk updates to metadata in Amplitude, further simplifying data management tasks.

About Secoda

Secoda, the AI data governance platform, offers a seamless integration with Amplitude, a powerful analytics tool. With this integration, data teams can effortlessly access and utilize their data within the Secoda platform. Secoda's all-in-one capabilities, including data search, catalog, lineage, monitoring, and governance, provide a simplified and efficient solution for managing and leveraging data. By combining the strengths of Secoda and Amplitude, organizations can enhance their data governance practices and make informed decisions based on comprehensive insights.

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