Verify Data in Amazon Quicksight

Verify Data in Amazon Quicksight with Secoda. Learn more about how you can automate workflows to turn hours into seconds. Do more with less and scale without the chaos.

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Secoda is a platform that helps organizations ensure data governance at scale. By verifying data found in Amazon QuickSight through Secoda, organizations can address their data governance goals. Verifying resources, such as metrics, dictionary terms, documents, and tables, gives end-users confidence in using the most reliable sources for their work. Additionally, Secoda allows for automatic tagging of datasets as 'audit-verified' when changes are recorded and verified against governance policies, providing an audit trail for accountability purposes.

How it works

Validating data in Amazon QuickSight hinges on a multi-step process. Firstly, you can leverage dataset previews to get a glimpse into the underlying data structure. This allows you to identify potential issues like missing values or inconsistencies in formatting. QuickSight also offers data validation checks during the creation of analysis and dashboards. These checks can flag errors like incompatible data types or nonsensical calculations. For advanced validation, you can utilize SQL within QuickSight. By crafting custom queries targeting specific data points or relationships, you can unearth anomalies that basic checks might miss. Imagine querying for customer records with duplicate IDs or orders with negative sales values. These targeted SQL queries empower you to delve deeper into your data and ensure its accuracy before drawing conclusions.

Secoda is an integration that allows you to verify data in Amazon Quicksight. It is part of an Automation, which consists of Triggers and Actions. Triggers determine when the workflow is activated, and can be scheduled at specific intervals or customized to meet your requirements. Actions encompass various operations such as filtering and updating metadata. By stacking actions, you can create customized workflows that cater to your team's needs. Secoda enables you to perform bulk updates to metadata in Amazon Quicksight.

About Secoda

Secoda's integration with Amazon Quicksight allows users to verify data accuracy and reliability. By serving as an index of your company's data knowledge, Secoda consolidates data catalog, lineage, documentation, and monitoring into a single platform. This integration enhances data governance capabilities, providing a seamless experience for users leveraging Amazon Quicksight for data analysis and visualization.

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