The Top Data Migration Tools Used by Growing Tech Companies

Learn more about the top data migration tools used by growing tech companies so you can streamline your data migration and ensure everything goes smoothly.
Last updated
May 2, 2024

Growing tech companies have significant data management needs, and it’s common to need to migrate your data from one system to another. Whether you’re simply migrating data to a new system or doing a full cloud migration, it can be a daunting task if you’re not properly equipped. Fortunately, there are plenty of data migration tools available to make the process easier. In this blog, we’ll take a look at the top data migration tools used by growing tech companies so you can streamline your data migration and ensure everything goes smoothly.

A Brief Overview

Before diving into the various tools for data migration, let’s go over the definition of data migration. In short, data migration is a crucial process for organizations that want to grow and expand their operations or update their data stack. In its simplest definition, data migration involves moving data from one system to another. However, data migration can be much more complicated than that.

With data migration, organizations can consolidate all of their data from various sources into one central location. This makes it easier to manage and govern data and improves access across all of a company’s departments. However, there are various different types of migrations, including storage migration, database migration, application migration, data center migration, business process migration, and cloud data migration. There are also different approaches to how you migrate data.

As you can see, there is a lot of planning and consideration that goes into data migration. This is why it can be helpful to have these tools helping you through the process. Without further ado, let’s take a look at some of the best data migration tools.


Secoda automatically generates data lineage graphs and ingests metadata across your entire stack to create a single source of truth.

A comprehensive data catalog serves as a centralized repository that documents and organizes metadata about the existing data landscape, including data sources, schemas, and relationships. This catalog not only aids in understanding the current state of data but also provides crucial insights into data quality and relevance.

During a migration, having a clear understanding of the data lineage is essential. Data lineage tools within the catalog enable the team to trace the flow of data across various systems, transformations, and dependencies. This visibility is paramount for identifying potential bottlenecks, ensuring data consistency, and validating that the migrated data aligns with the desired outcomes. A data catalog with lineage capabilities empowers the team to make informed decisions, maintain data integrity, and effectively manage the complexities associated with migrating data from one system to another. It serves as a foundational resource that enhances collaboration, reduces risks, and ultimately contributes to the successful execution of the migration project.

Companies like Fullscript and TextUs used Secoda to migrate from their legacy to a modern data stack.

AWS Database Migration Service

AWS Database Migration Service is a popular tool for businesses looking to migrate data to or from AWS. It supports migrations for databases such as Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, MariaDB, and various other databases. Using AWS Database Migration Service, organizations can easily and securely migrate data with high availability and minimal downtime.

AWS Database Migration Service simplifies the data migration process and removes undifferentiated database management tasks. With ongoing monitoring during the migration process, businesses can keep track of their data while the migration happens.

Additionally, the AWS Database Migration service offers a multitude of migration methods, including homogeneous, heterogeneous, and more. Homogenous migrations simplify moving data to databases with the same architecture, while heterogeneous migrations simplify the process of moving data between databases with different architectures.

Overall, AWS Database Migration Service is a powerful tool for businesses that want to migrate their data to or from AWS. It simplifies the process of data migration and offers ongoing monitoring of the process. If you're a growing tech company looking to streamline your data migration process, AWS Database Migration Service may be the tool you need.

Talend Open Studio

Another powerful data migration tool is Talend Open Studio, which is a free, open-source solution. Talend Open Studio is a comprehensive data integration platform that allows users to easily migrate data between different systems, whether on-premise or in the cloud. 

One of Talend Open Studio’s key features is its drag-and-drop functionality. This intuitive UI allows for simplified data integration workflows without the need for complex programming knowledge. Talend Open Studio can also be a great resource for smaller companies that don’t have a large IT team to dedicate entirely to data migration.

Talend Open Studio also boasts tools for modeling and job management, along with a centralized repository for easy reuse of components. Talend also offers over 900 different connectors to make it convenient and simple to connect data sources and applications. Finally, Talend Open Studio offers built-in data cleansing and transformation to ensure your data migration goes smoothly and is in the right format, in the right place.

Overall, Talend Open Studio is an excellent choice for growing tech companies looking for a powerful yet affordable data migration solution. With its ease of use, versatility, and comprehensive feature set, it's a great option for companies looking to streamline their data integration workflows and ensure the accuracy and consistency of their data.

Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA)

Another popular tool for data migration is Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA). This tool helps to automate the process of migrating databases from other platforms to a Microsoft database. You can also use SSMA to update to a new version of SQL or restore a backup.

One of the best features of SSMA is that it is free to use, making it more accessible to organizations of every size. SSMA also enables a fairly straightforward data migration process thanks to clear steps, useful tools, and an intuitive interface.

SSMA also offers conversion reporting, which allows users to identify errors during the migration process. This allows the process to be more streamlined, as SSMA will automatically resolve issues or alert you when an issue needs manual resolution.

While SSMA is a powerful tool for data migration, it does require expertise in SQL. If you don’t have anyone familiar with SQL on your team, it may be beneficial to enlist professional help to ensure a smooth migration.

In summary, SSMA is an excellent choice for those looking to migrate their databases to a Microsoft database. Its comprehensive features and flexibility make it a popular tool among growing tech companies.

Oracle Data Integrator (ODI)

Oracle Data Integration is another popular tool for data migration, and it is an enterprise-level tool for high-performance batch loading and data transformation. Oracle Data Integrator integrates extract load and transform technology (ELT) to streamline the data migration process and ensure data integration costs remain low.

Oracle Data Integrator offers both on-premises and cloud data migration and even offers heterogeneous platform support for enterprise data integration. Developers can take advantage of ODI’s knowledge modules for added flexibility and productivity. 

Another advantage of ODI is its scalability. It can handle large volumes of data without sacrificing performance and efficiency. However, like many enterprise-level tools, ODI can be complex and may require some level of expertise to set up and use effectively.

Overall, Oracle Data Integrator is a powerful tool that can help streamline the data migration process for organizations, and it seamlessly integrates with other Oracle tools and databases. However, it may not be the best fit for everyone and should be evaluated carefully before being adopted.

Informatica PowerCenter

Another popular data migration tool is Informatica PowerCenter. It allows users to extract data from various sources easily, transform it to meet specific requirements and load it into the target system.

Informatica PowerCenter offers AI-powered cloud integration to make the process more frictionless, automating many aspects of the migration workload. Organizations can easily use PowerCenter to load data into top cloud platforms such as AWS, Microsoft Azure, Snowflake, Databricks, and Google Cloud.

Another advantage of Informatica PowerCenter is its ETL(Extract, transform, Load), ELT (Extract, Load, Transform), and Spark-based serverless processing, which allows for scalability and complex integrations.

Informatica PowerCenter also has a user-friendly interface, making it easy for non-technical users to work with the tool. Pre-built transformations and zero code orchestrations make it highly accessible when compared to other data migration tools.

Overall, Informatica PowerCenter is a reliable and scalable tool that can handle even the largest data migration projects. Its unique features and ease of use make it a popular choice for growing tech companies.

Why Data Migration Tools Are Useful

Now that you know some of the best data migration tools available on the market, you have the information you need to make the best choice for your organization. But before you commit to a specific data migration tool, you may be wondering why your organization needs one in the first place.

There are numerous reasons that a data migration tool should be used to ensure a seamless and smooth data migration. It’s important to keep in mind that migrating data can be complex, time-consuming, and require significant expertise. However, the right tools can mitigate the risks and challenges that come with data migration. 

One of the primary benefits of data migration tools is that they can often automate many of the resource-intensive and error-prone tasks associated with data migration. They can also help identify errors and inconsistencies in the process, allowing teams to prevent a faulty or incomplete migration.

Also, data migration tools often offer features such as data quality assessment, data mapping, and other features that allow companies to understand their data better and create a better strategy for migration. With a data tool in place, organizations can also minimize downtime during migration.

Overall, the use of data migration tools is essential for companies looking to optimize their data migration process. They help to reduce the risks and complexities of migration while increasing the speed, accuracy, and security of the process. With the right tools, companies can migrate their data with confidence, knowing that their data is safe, accurate, and readily accessible.

Try Secoda for Free

Regardless of the databases and data tools you use, it’s important to have comprehensive data management tools in place to make the most of the data you collect. That’s where Secoda comes in. Secoda is an all-in-one platform for data discovery and data management, making it easy to centralize all of your data and allow all users to access the data they need when they need it. Secoda can easily integrate with most databases or anything with an API, making it a powerful tool for any organization that relies on data-driven decisions.

With Secoda, you get access to robust tools for data lineage, data cataloging, data discovery, data documentation, data sharing, data ticketing, data access management, and more. Ready to see how Secoda can help your organization make the most of your data? Schedule your demo or try Secoda for free today.

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