Data dictionary for Looker

What is Looker

Looker is an analytics platform that provides insights into business data. It enables data exploration, data transformation, data manipulation and data visualization tools for businesses to gain insights. It also provides access to artificial intelligence with data pipelines and reduces manual reporting workloads, allowing teams to spend time on other tasks. Looker is an invaluable tool for companies who want to grow their business.

Benefits of Setting up Data Dictionary in Looker

A data dictionary is a powerful tool for data teams to help organize and provide structure to data analysis. The data dictionary allows data teams to properly define data elements and the relationship between them, allowing users to better understand the data being worked with. It also provides a single source of truth for data definitions, preventing confusion and conflicting information from multiple sources. Additionally, a data dictionary can be used as a repository for data related documents, such as standards, policies, and usage guidelines. Finally, the data dictionary can become a navigational tool for data teams, aiding in the development and understanding of complex data models and systems. All in all, the data dictionary provides an invaluable aid to data teams, and improves their ability to collaborate and develop data-driven solutions.

Why should you set up Data Dictionary for Looker

A data dictionary for Looker is invaluable for the organization of your data. It provides a single, centralized, and easily searchable place to document all the data you have, giving you a birds-eye view of how your data fits together. It also serves as a knowledge base of your data, containing details such as what data exists and how it should be used. Having a data dictionary also helps to improve data governance, as it provides a single 'source of truth' that everyone should look to when defining data items, creating reports, and analyzing data. Looker's data dictionary helps ensure the data is organized and presented accurately, enabling you to make informed decisions about how to use it. In short, it can help to cut down time and make sure any data-related tasks are completed with a higher degree of accuracy.

How to set up

Data dictionary is an invaluable asset to Secoda users as it provides understandability to the data. A data dictionary provides consistent data definitions and descriptions, complete with a list of acceptable values, codes, units of measure, calculations and other indications that are pertinent to understand the data's meaning. Such information helps users properly interpret the data and reduce the risk of incorrect interpretation or incorrect entries. It also acts as a control mechanism - ensuring the same term with the same meaning is used across the system. By having an up-to-date data dictionary, data loss, duplication and redundancy are avoided, leading to higher quality, more reliable and more consistent reporting. Furthermore, a well-maintained data dictionary saved businesses time and money by eliminating the need to review data manually and helps them make smarter decisions quickly.

Get started with Secoda

Secoda is an innovative, automated data discovery tool. It simplifies the tedious and complex data analysis process, integrating with the modern data stack with ease. It is easy to set up and use, allowing users to quickly locate and analyse the data they need from their databases with minimal effort. Secoda serves as an invaluable asset for organisatons and individuals requiring powerful data insight.

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