Data Culture: Real Experiences In Owning Errors and Educating Teams | Cecilia Dones

May 2, 2024

Previously streamed live at MDS Fest

Data Culture: Real Experiences In Owning Errors and Educating Teams, a talk by Cecilia Dones, Founder, 3 Standard Deviations

Talk Description

Data Literacy is a foundational stone in transforming a business via data. Despite investments, data remains underutilized, siloed, and fails to impact decision-making. This talk proposes a paradigm shift: cultivating a Data Culture. Drawing upon psychology, sociology, and anthropology, this talk seeks to explore how to: - Demolish data silos and build cross-functional data communities. - Embed experimental learning to encourage exploration and embrace mistakes. - Empower all stakeholders with a fundamental understanding of data's language. Through real stories of 'Data Tribalism' and how not to deal with data silos and real stories of 'Data Rituals' that foster inclusivity in the data community, attendees will take away actionable lessons to implement within their own organizations.