How marketers at The Zebra self-serve from the data warehouse | Cynthia Caridad

May 2, 2024

Previously streamed live at MDS Fest

How marketers at The Zebra self-serve from the data warehouse, a talk by Cynthia Caridad, Director of Lifecycle, The Zebra

Talk Description

The Zebra has brought the Modern Data Stack to our marketers. Historically, our biggest blocker for marketing teams was data accessibility: the data team couldn’t keep up with their demands, so it could take months to get new data to drive campaigns. We implemented a Composable CDP with Snowflake and Hightouch, and worked hard to fundamentally change our culture. Our marketing team is now fully data-literate and can self-serve. They’re accomplishing diverse tasks like building audiences for campaigns, enriching ads to Facebook, and hyper-personalizing email campaigns.I’m really excited about the changes we’ve just begun at The Zebra, and think they’ll be inspiring for the MDS Fest audience for what’s possible.