Deprecation warnings in Looker

Deprecation warnings in Looker with Secoda. Learn more about how you can automate workflows to turn hours into seconds. Do more with less and scale without the chaos.

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Secoda now offers integration with Looker, a powerful data visualization platform for business intelligence and embedded analytics. With this integration, you can easily access, analyze, and share real-time insights from diverse data sources. Looker's highly configurable charts, tables, and reports allow you to visualize your data in a meaningful way. By leveraging Secoda's asset monitoring capabilities, you can automatically identify and tag assets in your Looker data catalog that have not been viewed or updated within a specified time interval, such as the last 90 days. This enables you to receive notifications when an asset is ready to be deprecated, providing you with better control and maintenance of your data assets.

How it works

Secoda's integration with Looker allows you to automate tasks through triggers and actions. Triggers can be scheduled on a regular basis or custom intervals to activate workflows. Actions provide various operations like filtering and updating metadata, allowing you to create detailed workflows tailored to your team's requirements. With Secoda, you can efficiently perform bulk updates to metadata in Looker. Additionally, Secoda enables you to identify and tag assets in your data catalog that have not been updated or viewed within a specified time frame, such as 90 days. You can also receive notifications for assets that are ready to be deprecated based on their usage levels.

About Secoda

Looker and Secoda can be integrated to facilitate data migration and obtain asset deprecation warnings. Secoda acts as a centralized platform that consolidates your company's data catalog, lineage, documentation, and monitoring. By combining it with Looker, your organization gains a comprehensive data management solution. This integration enables you to seamlessly migrate data while receiving important alerts about asset deprecation.

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