Verify Data in Looker

Verify Data in Looker with Secoda. Learn more about how you can automate workflows to turn hours into seconds. Do more with less and scale without the chaos.

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Secoda is an integration that allows users to verify data found in Looker, a data visualization platform for business intelligence, data applications, and embedded analytics. By verifying resources, users can ensure data governance at scale and have confidence in using the best source for their work. This verification process applies to various types of resources, such as metrics, dictionary terms, documents, and tables. Additionally, datasets can be automatically tagged as 'audit-verified' when changes are recorded and verified against governance policies, providing an audit trail for accountability purposes.

How it works

In Looker, data verification is a pivotal step in ensuring the accuracy and reliability of insights derived from its analytics platform. Through a blend of automated checks and user-defined validation processes, Looker offers a robust framework for verifying data integrity. Leveraging its intuitive interface and powerful querying capabilities, users can perform various data checks, including data completeness, consistency, and accuracy. Looker's data validation features enable users to create custom rules and thresholds to flag anomalies or discrepancies, facilitating proactive identification and resolution of data quality issues.

Additionally, Looker integrates with a range of data sources and platforms, streamlining the verification process across diverse datasets. By prioritizing data verification, Looker empowers organizations to trust their analytics, make data-driven decisions confidently, and drive meaningful business outcomes.

Integration with Looker allows you to verify data through Secoda. An Automation consists of Triggers and Actions. Triggers activate the workflow based on specific schedules, such as hourly, daily, or custom intervals. Actions encompass various operations like filtering and updating metadata. You can stack multiple actions to create customized workflows for your team. With Secoda, you can perform bulk updates to metadata in Looker.

About Secoda

Secoda offers a seamless integration with Looker, allowing users to verify data accuracy and reliability. By consolidating data catalog, lineage, documentation, and monitoring into a single platform, Secoda serves as a comprehensive data management solution. With its AI-powered data governance capabilities, Secoda ensures that data within Looker is trustworthy and up-to-date.

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