Tag PHI in Power BI

Tag PHI in Power BI with Secoda. Learn more about how you can automate workflows to turn hours into seconds. Do more with less and scale without the chaos.

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Secoda offers seamless integration with Power BI, a powerful business analytics tool developed by Microsoft. With its user-friendly interface, Power BI enables users to create interactive reports and dashboards, providing valuable business intelligence capabilities. By connecting to various data sources, users can access and analyze data with ease. With Secoda's data governance capabilities, PHI (Protected Health Information) can be tagged within Power BI, ensuring compliance and data governance at scale. This integration allows for enhanced security and control over sensitive information, providing peace of mind for organizations handling PHI.

How it works

Tagging PHI (Protected Health Information) in Power BI allows organizations to classify and manage sensitive healthcare data securely within their business intelligence reports and dashboards. By marking specific datasets or elements as containing PHI, analysts can ensure that data handling complies with healthcare regulations, applying necessary security and access controls within Power BI. This approach enhances data governance, supports compliance efforts, and ensures that stakeholders access PHI within a framework that respects patient privacy and data protection standards.

The Power BI integration with Secoda allows users to tag PHI (Protected Health Information) through the platform. This integration is part of an Automation, which consists of Triggers and Actions. Triggers activate the workflow based on predefined schedules, while Actions encompass various operations such as filtering and updating metadata. By leveraging Secoda, users can efficiently perform bulk updates to metadata in Power BI, enabling streamlined workflows tailored to their team's requirements.

About Secoda

Secoda, the AI data governance platform, seamlessly integrates with Power BI, allowing users to connect to all their data models, databases, warehouses, and BI systems. By consolidating data catalog, lineage, documentation, and monitoring into a single data management platform, Secoda enables data and business stakeholders to easily find and utilize data at scale.

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