Tag PII from Power BI

Tag PII in Power BI with Secoda. Learn more about how you can automate workflows to turn hours into seconds. Do more with less and scale without the chaos.

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In addition to its powerful business analytics capabilities, Power BI can also be integrated with Secoda to ensure data governance at scale. Secoda allows users to tag personally identifiable information (PII) that resides in Power BI, providing an extra layer of security and compliance. By leveraging Secoda's data governance features, organizations can effectively manage and protect sensitive data within their Power BI environment, ensuring that privacy regulations and policies are adhered to. This integration enhances the overall data governance framework and enables users to confidently leverage the insights and visualizations provided by Power BI while maintaining the highest standards of data security.

How it works

In Power BI, Microsoft's interactive data visualization and analytics tool, the handling of Personal Identifiable Information (PII) is integral for maintaining data privacy and compliance standards. Power BI provides robust security features, including data encryption, audit trails, and access management, to ensure that PII is protected across various stages of data processing and analysis. Users can define sensitivity labels and enforce governance policies to control how PII is accessed and shared within the organization. Additionally, Power BI's compliance with global privacy standards helps organizations meet regulatory requirements while utilizing the platform's powerful data analytics and reporting capabilities. This comprehensive approach to data security ensures that organizations can leverage Power BI to gain insights from their data while safeguarding personal information.

Secoda's integration with Power BI allows users to build custom workflows that streamline data management processes. One of the key features is the ability to tag personally identifiable information (PII) within Power BI, saving time and reducing manual errors. The automation feature in Secoda consists of triggers and actions. Triggers enable users to schedule workflows based on specific time intervals or custom criteria, providing a structured framework for subsequent actions. Actions encompass a range of operations, such as filtering and updating metadata, which can be stacked to create detailed workflows tailored to the team's needs. Additionally, Secoda enables bulk updates to metadata in Power BI, further enhancing data management efficiency.

About Secoda

Secoda, an AI data governance platform, offers a seamless integration with Power BI, enabling data teams to effectively manage and utilize their data. With Secoda's all-in-one capabilities, including data search, catalog, lineage, monitoring, and governance, users can easily find and leverage their data within the Power BI environment. This integration simplifies the data management process, allowing organizations to make informed decisions and derive valuable insights from their data.

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