Usage monitoring for Bigeye

Usage monitoring for Bigeye with Secoda. Learn more about how you can automate workflows to turn hours into seconds. Do more with less and scale without the chaos.

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Secoda is an integration that allows users to monitor the usage levels of data resources and metadata from Bigeye. By using Secoda, data engineering and science teams can ensure the efficiency and safety of their migration process. Secoda provides a comprehensive set of tools, enabling teams to have visibility into their data's quality and reliability. This integration facilitates a seamless transition by allowing users to track and manage the usage of data resources during the migration process.

How it works

Secoda offers an integration with Bigeye, a tool used to monitor data resource usage. Through the Secoda Automations feature, you can track and manage data usage levels effectively. Automations in Secoda consist of Triggers and Actions. Triggers determine when a workflow should be activated, allowing you to schedule them according to your preferred frequency, such as hourly, daily, or on a custom basis. Actions in Secoda encompass various operations like filtering and updating metadata, among others. By stacking these actions, you can create detailed workflows that cater to your team's specific needs. Additionally, the integration enables you to perform bulk updates to metadata in Bigeye, enhancing your data management capabilities.

About Secoda

Bigeye and Secoda can be integrated to facilitate data migration and monitor the usage levels of data resources. Secoda acts as a comprehensive data management platform, consolidating your company's data catalog, lineage, documentation, and monitoring. By leveraging this integration, you can efficiently manage and track data resources throughout the migration process.

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