October 2, 2024

10 best practices to build data pipelines

Learn the challenges data engineers face when building data pipelines and the best practices to overcome them.

Dexter Chu
Head of Marketing
Learn the challenges data engineers face when building data pipelines and the best practices to overcome them.

Building data pipelines is important for companies that want to manage and use their data efficiently. A well-designed data pipeline ensures a systematic and automated process of collecting, processing, and delivering data from various sources to users and applications. 

Data Pipeline Architecture 

However, data engineers face various challenges when building data pipelines, such as data quality issues and performance bottlenecks. According to Harvard Business Review, companies can lose around $3.1 trillion annually due to issues stemming from bad data. Careful planning and implementation are important to build reliable data pipelines. 

Let’s explore ten best practices for building a reliable data pipeline that delivers actionable insights.

Challenges Data Engineers Face Building Data Pipelines

Data engineers can face several challenges when building data pipelines. These challenges can affect the efficiency and accuracy of the entire process. 

Here are some of the most common challenges they face:

  • Poor data quality: One of the main issues is poor data quality. Gartner research shows that poor data quality costs companies around $12.9 million annually. This is because the collected data may contain errors, missing values, or inconsistencies. This can lead to unreliable outcomes and make it difficult to gain meaningful insights.
  • Poor data integrity in source data: Another common challenge is poor data integrity in the source data. If the original data is not accurate or has been tampered with, it can compromise the reliability of the pipeline. Data engineers should ensure that the data is reliable throughout the pipeline.
  • Increase data volume for processing: Managing and processing large amounts of data becomes increasingly difficult. Large data volumes need more resources and time, which can slow down the entire process.
  • Duplicate data: Data engineers also deal with duplicate data. This duplication can harm your pipeline's data performance and usability, leading to inaccuracies in analysis and extra processing and storage expenses. 
  • Performance bottlenecks: Performance bottlenecks can occur when the pipeline is not optimized for speed and efficiency. These bottlenecks can slow down data processing and delay getting insights. This can happen due to inefficient algorithms, inadequate hardware, or poorly designed workflows. Resolving these bottlenecks can lead to smooth data pipelines.

Best Practices to Overcome Data Pipeline Challenges

Data pipelines are essential for moving data from various sources to destinations where it can be analyzed and used. However, building and maintaining data pipelines comes with several challenges. 

Here are some best practices to overcome these challenges:

1. Define clear objectives 

Before building a data pipeline, define clear objectives. What do you want to achieve with your data pipeline? Are you aiming to consolidate data from multiple sources or focus on real-time data processing? Understanding your goals will help you make informed decisions about the data pipeline tools, technologies, and processes you’ll need.

For instance, If your objective is to perform real-time analytics, you might opt for a streaming data pipeline. 

2. Test as you build 

Testing should be an essential part of your data pipeline development process. It’s much easier to identify and fix issues when you test components as you build them rather than waiting until the entire pipeline is complete.

Implement unit tests for each stage of your data pipeline. If you're transforming data, test the transformations on a small subset of data to ensure accuracy. For example, if you're cleaning data by removing duplicates, verify that the duplicates are actually being removed as expected.

3. Integrate regular data quality checks

Data quality is important in any data pipeline. Poor quality data can lead to inaccurate insights and poor decision-making. Integrate regular data quality checks to ensure the data flowing through your pipeline meets the required standards.

Implement checks to validate data formats, detect missing or out-of-range values, and ensure data consistency. For instance, if you’re dealing with customer data, you might want to ensure that email addresses follow a valid format and that mandatory fields like customer IDs are never null.

4. Design for scalability 

As your data volume grows, your pipeline should be able to handle the increased load without significant performance drops. Designing for scalability from the beginning saves you from costly reworks later.

If you expect a growing number of data sources or an increase in data volume, consider using distributed data processing frameworks. Such frameworks allow you to scale horizontally by adding more nodes to handle the increased load.

5. Prioritize data security and compliance 

Ensure data security and compliance to adhere to data privacy regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Design your data pipeline to protect sensitive information. 

Implement encryption for data at rest and in transit, and use access controls to restrict data access to authorized personnel only. For instance, you can use role-based access controls (RBAC) to manage who can access different parts of your pipeline.

6. Use a modular architecture

A modular architecture allows you to break down your data pipeline into smaller, manageable components. This makes it easier to develop, test, and maintain your pipeline.

If your pipeline includes data extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) stages, treat each stage as a separate module. This way, if you need to update the transformation logic, you can do so without affecting the extraction or loading stages.

7. Maintain data lineage and metadata

Understand where your data comes from and how it’s transformed throughout the pipeline. This will help you troubleshoot and audit your pipeline. Maintaining data lineage and metadata also helps you track data flow through your pipeline.

Use tools like Secoda to track data lineage and manage metadata automatically. This can help you answer questions like, “Where did this data originate?” and “What transformations were applied to it?”

8. Monitor your data pipelines constantly/ Conduct periodic audits

Constant monitoring allows you to spot and address issues in real time, minimizing downtime and ensuring data integrity. Conduct periodic audits to identify areas for improvement.

Set up alerts for pipeline failures or data anomalies using monitoring tools like Secoda. This way, if a data source becomes unavailable, you should be notified immediately so you can take corrective action.

9. Automate where possible

Automation reduces the risk of human error and increases the efficiency of your data pipeline. From data ingestion to processing and deployment, look for opportunities to automate repetitive tasks.

Automate data validation checks and pipeline deployment processes using workflow automation tools. For instance, you can automate the scheduling of ETL jobs so they run at specific times without manual intervention.

10. Define your change management before building your first pipeline

Change management helps maintain the stability and reliability of your data pipelines. Define a change management process before you start building to ensure that changes are implemented in a controlled and documented manner.

Use version control systems like Git to manage changes to your pipeline code. Establish a process for code reviews and approvals before any changes are merged into the production pipeline. This ensures you thoroughly test and review any updates to reduce the risk of introducing errors.

Optimize Your Data Pipeline Management with Secoda

A well-optimized data pipeline is essential for getting the most out of your data. It speeds up decision-making, allows teams to work more independently, and keeps your data processes running smoothly.

Need help with your data pipeline management?

Secoda can help. It enhances your data pipeline management by providing a comprehensive and automated approach. With Secoda, you can gain a centralized view of your data assets, ensuring that all aspects of your pipeline are clearly documented and easily accessible.

Why choose Secoda for your data pipeline management:

  • Automated documentation: Leverage AI-powered tools to automatically identify, map, and document key components and relationships within your pipeline, ensuring that documentation is always accurate and up-to-date.
  • Data lineage visualization: Automatically generate lineage graphs that visualize data flow through your pipeline. This will reduce manual effort and provide clear insights into data movement, technology use, and external dependencies.
  • Comprehensive data model cataloging: Automatically catalog data models and schemas to align your data documentation with actual data structures and support data governance and quality assurance.
  • Centralized log and error management: Centralize logs and error information to simplify error management, making it easier to monitor, understand, and resolve issues.
  • Enhanced monitoring and observability: Track key metrics, set up effective alerting systems, and monitor pipeline health and performance more accurately. 
  • Robust change management documentation: Manage changes effectively with version control documentation that tracks changes to data schemas, configurations, and code, providing a clear audit trail.

Ready to optimize your data pipeline? Book a demo today to see how Secoda can help manage your data pipeline and ensure it's reliable, scalable, and aligned with your business needs.  

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