Data quality for Looker

What is Looker

Looker is a business intelligence platform that helps companies explore, analyze, and visualize their data. It enables users to create custom data models and dashboards, and to access insights from their data. Looker also provides a range of features and tools to help users create data-driven applications, such as predictive analytics, machine learning, and natural language processing. With Looker, users can quickly and easily gain insights from their data, and make better decisions for their business.

Benefits of setting up Data Quality

Data quality is an important component of the Looker platform, as it allows organizations to access accurate and reliable data that can be used to inform decision-making. With data quality, organizations can build confidence in their data - reducing the risk of errors and discrepancies, as well as reducing manual data cleaning efforts. Data quality also improves the accuracy of reporting and trend analysis, as well as provide organizations with the ability to identify and correct inconsistent or incomplete data. By ensuring that a company’s data is accurate and reliable, Looker’s data quality features provide businesses with the insights they need to make the best decisions.

Why should you have Data Quality for Looker

Setting up Data Quality using Looker and secoda is a fast and straightforward process. Firstly, Looker should be integrated to secoda to facilitate data discovery process. After that, the data analysis dashboard should be configured with the necessary data sources in Looker. Finally, automated data quality checks should be activated within secoda to ensure that data quality is maintained at optimal levels.

How to set up

Secoda is a data discovery tool for the modern data stack. It provides users with a comprehensive view of their data, helping them to quickly identify patterns and trends. It also enables users to explore and analyze their data in a secure and intuitive way. Secoda helps users to better understand their data and make informed decisions. It provides a range of features including data visualization, data exploration, data security, and data governance. Secoda enables users to quickly and easily find the insights they need to make better decisions.

Get started with Secoda

Secoda is a data discovery tool for the modern data stack. It provides users with a comprehensive view of their data, helping them to quickly identify patterns and trends. It also enables users to explore and analyze their data in a secure and intuitive way. Secoda helps users to better understand their data and make informed decisions. It provides a range of features including data visualization, data exploration, data security, and data governance. Secoda enables users to quickly and easily find the insights they need to make better decisions.

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