Connect Looker and Microsoft SQL

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Looker and Microsoft SQL

What are the benefits of connecting Looker and Microsoft SQL

Microsoft SQL is a powerful relational database that can benefit greatly from its integration with Looker. Looker allows for real-time analysis of data from Microsoft SQL, delivering insights from dashboards and data visualizations that allow users to make informed decisions quickly. Additionally, data stored in SQL can be seamlessly migrated to other data warehouses, ensuring virtually seamless data collection, organization, and manipulation.

How to connect Looker and Microsoft SQL

Connecting Looker and Microsoft SQL is easy! First, configure your source so that Looker can access its data. Then, decide on the target settings you want to use. Finally, set up a connection between Looker and Microsoft SQL by using configuration parameters like hostname, username, password, and port. Your Looker instance will be ready to use Microsoft SQL data!

What are the benefits of connecting Looker and Microsoft SQL in a data catalog

Connecting Looker and Microsoft SQL to Secoda provides a comprehensive view of the data and its lineage. It also allows for quick and easy access to all data sources, simplifying the data analysis process. Additionally, it provides a single source of truth for all data teams, ensuring data accuracy and consistency.

Manage your modern data stack with Secoda

We’ve built Secoda as a single place for all incoming data and metadata, a single source of truth. Collecting and analyzing essential to ensuring your company is making the right decisions and moving in the right direction. Secoda gives every employee a single plane they can go to in order to find, understand and use company data.

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